One true statistical fact is that that the longer you wait in life to begin an exercise regimen, the harder it is to do. Its so easy to get a room full of high school kids to adopt an exercise regimen, because they are young and open to suggestion. But when someone close to you tells you that you need to start exercising and get in better shape your immediate response is something along the lines of "screw you".
In the end only you can make the final decision to begin an exercise regimen and make sensible dietary adjustments. One trick that seems to work for many people is to begin exercising in small steps. This means that you might have a lot better luck adhering to a running program if its just running around the block a few times in the evening. Starting out by trying to run five miles every day is going to most likely lead to failure.
Also, rather then going through your kitchen and eliminating all of the junk food in one fell swoop, try just eliminating the one main calorie contributor in the kitchen. You can deal with other goodies that are in their by buying them in single serving packets rather then one big box. It may cost more to buy them this way in the beginning but not in the long run, because they are going to eventually be completely eliminated in due time.
Progress in weight loss and physical fitness is going to be made in a series of small steps and lifestyle adjustments. If you try to do everything all at once you are going to make a difficult task that much harder. Whats important is that you are on the right track and have your eye on the target and in time you will find yourself lighter, thinner and eating better.
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