Here's the quickest way to lose weight for women. In fact, it only takes 5 MINUTES of your time each day. For that 5 minutes, you can expect pounds and inches of FAT to DRIP OFF your butt, thighs, hips, and belly within 10 days.
I'll even add in a bonus tip that takes a WHOPPING 15 SECONDS of your time that you can do anywhere and at anytime which will help boost your weight loss efforts as well.
Quickest Way to Lose Weight For Women
Hindu Squats... an unbelievably fast way to lose weight. It's a type of fast squat without weights. First, set your feet around 18 inches apart. Then start squatting as fast as you can. Start out by trying to do 50 repetitions in under 3 minutes and build up to 100 in 5 minutes.
If you stick with the 5 minute version for 2 weeks... and do them each day, you'll notice your body is changing. You can't help but see that in the mirror... and feel how loose your clothes are on you.
Oh yeah, before I forget, I want you to touch your finger tips to the floor during each rep to demonstrate you went down far enough in the squat.
Bonus Tip: This isn't a pure cardio/aerobic tip, but you can use it anytime... including while you do cardio. It enhances the weight loss effect of any cardio you do. What is this tip? It's deep breathing.
Here's how to do it to get the most out of it during cardio (but remember, you can do it even when doing nothing... like watching tv and still help with weight loss). You inhale for 5, hold for 5, and exhale for 5.
In simplest terms, the extra oxygen oxidates and helps to burn off extra body fat. So do that 15 second technique every once in awhile.
So there you go. If you want the quickest way to lose weight, then all you need to do are Hindu Squats for 5 minutes a day.
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